If you have an album for review (no singles or EPs), you need to enter the details in the JJ Review Pitch spreadsheet – it’s the only way to be seen by Jazz Journal reviewers.
Request access to the sheet by clicking the button below to open an email in your mail client or write editor[at]jazzjournal.co.uk. Tell me about the style of the music and any notable players and if possible include a link to an audio sample.
About the Review Pitch spreadsheet
I send the contents of the pitch sheet to JJ reviewers every two months, on the 25th of every other even month, when they select anything they want to review. I will then request you send any nominated album direct to the reviewer. Please don’t send anything more to the Caxton House office, which closed in 2021.
The Review Pitch spreadsheet is titled to reflect the beginning of the period in which reviews will appear. So, for example, “JJ Review Pitch 0824” refers to the review publication period August-September 2024. It would be emptied and its contents sent to reviewers 25 June 2024.
How to complete the Review Pitch spreadsheet
Please read and follow these instructions carefully.
Enter details of your title(s) using the next available line at the bottom of the list (do not overwrite existing entries!).
Artist, author, band name
Artist-led dates need to be sortable A-Z by leader’s family name, e.g., Smith, John. DON’T PUT JOHN SMITH! If no leader, give band name, e.g., Weather Report. Leave out generics such as quartet, quintet etc.
Make All Words Initial Caps – like that – NO BLOCK CAPITALS.
Label & number
If no label or number, give artist URL.
Non-expiring one-click free stream such as Soundcloud or Bandcamp that plays immediately – no Spotify or other subscription service, and no Dropbox, Google Drive or similar that involves multiple clicks to access, and no passwords! These streams are to help reviewers decide (quickly), but may be used also for actual review. However, most reviewers will require a hard copy to review. Please note that review material is non-returnable. See terms and conditions.
Reader sample
A stream or YouTube sample that can be published in review.
Please give publicist/supplier and artist email addresses.
These are very important – reviewers may decide from what you write, especially with lesser-known artists. Players’ names, the musical style (what does it sound like? – Dixieland, bebop, swing, funk, improv, etc.) and instrumentation are more likely to engage writer and reader than elevated concepts, political or poetic. Maximum 50 words. Don’t paste a link to download a PR in place of words – you need to attract the reviewer in moments – but add a URL to more info if you want.
Once done, hit return – the document will autosave – and close browser tab. No need to do anything else.
Many thanks