Obituary: Betty Bennett


For more than half a century, Betty Bennett, who has died at her home in Southern California, delighted lovers of jazz singing. She was the subject of a detailed feature in Jazz Journal in December just gone.

Her earliest professional engagements came in the early 1940s when she sang with swing bands and bop groups. Then came decades when she sang live and on record with leading jazzmen.

Her wide repertoire ranged through jazz and classic popular songs from the golden era. Singing on into the 1990s, mostly in and around San Diego, these late years were most often in collaboration with her husband, guitarist Mundell Lowe.


Eventually retiring from singing, Betty remained active although in recent months her health began to deteriorate. Betty Bennett Lowe died on 7 April 2020. She is survived by her two daughters, Alicia Previn, who cared for her in her final years, and Claudia Previn Stasny. Tributes will be arranged when the present health crisis permits.
