FreakSon: Tales

The Italian keyboard, bass, percussion and saxophone quartet produces slow, rather rudimentary music with little melodic or timbral variation


Tales falls somewhere between being an EP and a full album, carrying six tracks amounting to less than half an hour’s music. Apart from length, what it also lacks throughout is any kind of pace – at best the tempo hits slow to medium and even that is marginal.

At times this original music, from Apicella and Vasconi, has a slightly naïve quality about it, the drumming being no more than rudimentary, the effects realised by synths, keyboards and octapad (Roland’s electric drum pad) being out of the same basic drawer.

Melodically there is little of note, although Nocerino, who favours soprano saxophone most of the time, offers the odd lyrical moment and he certainly puts in a passionate, screaming solo on Afreaka. The whole thing was put together at the band’s home studio.

Virginia; The Warrior; Afreaka; Title; Shit Year; Sunday In Kyoto (29.15)
Gianni Apicella (d, octapad); Alessandro Vasconi (p, kyb, syn); Mirco Capecchi (b); Yuri Nocerino (as, ss, kyb). Italy, 2020.
Auand AU5022