JJ 04/64: Freddie Hubbard – Hub-Tones

Sixty years ago Sinclair Traill reckoned Hubbard blew in the Miles style and Spaulding, although touched by modernism, had his own voice. First published in Jazz Journal April 1964


This band of youngsters play with astonishing confidence and with an ability that speaks exceeding well for the future of jazz. Although Hubbard blows much in the Miles Davis pattern, he is no slavish copyist and his solos are often very stimulating and original. His tone is big and open and his solos on the fast Hub-Tones are exciting and played with fine swing. Obviously a trumpeter of great potential and promise.

Also to be highly commended is the young drummer, who in addition to backing the rhythm sec­tion with a strong beat, shows much originality in his cymbal playing – his short solo on Hub’s is a very good one.

Spaulding, newcomer from Indianapolis, shows that he also is a most vigorous player. Touched by the modern tenor players, he nevertheless has a voice of his own, which statement is borne out by his playing on Spee’s Sake.

Hancock is one of the most talented young pianists to have emerged for a long time. His solos throughout are consistently success­ful, and he takes care of the rhythm business with two firm hands. I find the mood piece Lament For Booker a little over long, but otherwise there is not a dull track on the whole album.

You’re My Everything; Prophet Jennings; Hub-Tones (18 min) – Lament For Booker; For Spee’s Sake (18 min)
Freddie Hubbard (tpt); James Spaulding (alt/flt); Herbie Hancock (p); Reginald Workman (bs); Clifford Jarvis (d). New York, Nov., 1963.
(Blue Note 4115 12inLP 42s. 6d.)