Fluidian & Arve Henriksen: Opaque Lights

Romanian ambientalist pairs with trumpeter Arve Henriksen to add another set of pensive musical wanderings to the catalogue


Fluidian is a music project initiated by Romanian composer and musician Emil Gherasim, who is known both for his work in film and theatre and also for his ambient-minimalist solo performances. On this new set he is paired with the equally ambient Norwegian trumpeter Arve Henriksen in 16 tracks, most of which fetch up around the two-to-three-minute mark.

In addition to their main instruments of piano and trumpet respectively, both plays synthesizers and employ electronics, Gherasim adding chamber orchestrations, Henriksen the trumpet and horn sections.

What results is an evocative musical journey of colourful sound textures and abstract imagery, Henriksen evoking both the muted Miles and a Fourth World John Hassell in his echoing solo statements. Their music is often dreamy, allowing the listener to indulge their thoughts and let their imaginations run wild. The six-minute-plus title track – the longest in the set – defines the style, its stately pace, often ominous soundscapes, and sonic ingenuity conjuring up a wealth of cloudy, opaque visions.

Unfortunately, those visions are not supplied with the download, for this is a music that would massively benefit from visual imagery to allow us to inhabit it fully. But it all stands up quite well by itself.

Blurred Eyes; Spikes Corridor; Blurred Eyes II; Opaque Lights; Breath Waves; Flageostrings I; Corridors; Texturaural I; Opaque Lights Variation; Introvertal; Texturaural II; Blurred Eyes III; Flageostrings II; Shapes; Outer Lane; Flow Away (54.13)
Emil Gherasim (Fluidian) (p, syn, g, elec); Arve Henriksen (t, p, syn, elec, v). Norway?, 2021.