3D Jazz Trio: 9 to 5

All-female piano, bass and drum trio do fluent and refreshing work on film, jazz and country standards as well as a couple of originals


There is a lot of pleasure to be gleaned from this release featuring three musicians who have honed their craft over the years. Pianist Jackie Warren is the one who has spent the most time amongst the fast hitters.

From the moment they take off with a jaunty mid-tempo version of I Only Have Eyes For You we find ourselves on an enjoyable journey in the company of three ladies who also like to spring a few surprises along the way. From the standard opener, followed by the old warhorse Tin Tin Deo, which generates plenty of heat as the threesome negotiate the frequent tempo changes, we are taken into the unlikely realms of Sing (the Sesame Street song) and Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5.

The former eventually develops into an unashamed swinger whilst the latter has its theme stated by arco bass which gives way to the piano forging a rocking path with some boogie-woogie thrown in for good measure. By contrast Leonard Bernstein’s Some Other Time is adorned by a lovely touch from Warren who only gives a cursory nod towards the famous Bill Evans version. Her mood setting for this piece enjoys subtle complementary work from bass and drums.


The atmosphere alters for There Is No Greater Love, full of that bluesy joy Gene Harris bought to any tune he touched and then we are in Latin territory for Lágrimas Negras, with two originals winding up over 50 minutes of satisfying trio music.

I Only Have Eyes For You; Tin Tin Deo; Sing; 9 to 5; Some Other Time; There Is No Greater Love; Lágrimas Negras; Blues For G-C; Theme For B. T. (53.27)
Jackie Warren (p); Amy Shook (b); Sherrie Maricle (d). Norriton, PA, 26-27 July 2022
Diva Jazz 3DCD 2022
