Latin-jazz has been with us for decades with one half of the equation often dominating and on many occasions the fusion has produced some genuinely exciting and stimulating moments.
From a jazzers perspective Con Todo probably offers less than we would like: the compositions, all supplied by Trinidad, are less than memorable and the arrangements from Grammy-winning pianist Tumalan lack an essential spark. The horns, including Bill Ortiz and Jeff Cressmen of Santana fame, offer a little light relief, although the solos don’t really catch the ear in improvisational terms.
This release is likely to have been aimed at the Latin market given the presence of vocalists in addition to the customary percussionists, and those who have a liking for that particular genre are likely to gain more pleasure from its contents than the typical jazz follower.
Luna Nueva En Mi Mente (New Moon In Mind); Ojos Abiertos (Eyes Open); Tigres Blancos Y Elefantes Grises (White Tigers And Grey Elephants); Llegando A La Razon ((Arrive To Reason); La Esencia De La Intencion (Essence Of the Intention); Principios De La Causalidad (The Principles Of Causality); Hasta Entonces, Mi Amigo (Until Then, My Friend); Espiritu del Antiguo Sol (Old Sun In Spirit) (38.35)
Collective personnel: Chris Trinidad (elb); Christian Tumalan (p); Carlos Caro, Colin Douglas (pc); Bill Ortiz (t); Jeff Cressman, Jamie Dubberly (tb); Tony Peebles (ts); Anthony Blea (vn); Tod Dickow (f); Juan Luis Perez, Christelle Durandy (v). Oakland, Ca. 7 & 8 August 2017.
Iridium Records IRK 2019 01