Lester and Brubeck: I disagree


I disagree with Graham Colombé in his review of the Complete Aladdin Recordings of Lester Young about the “occasionally disappointing . . . session with Cole and Rich”.

Unless the disappointments are the few seconds between each track, I also note that Ian Lomax’s dating of the Dave Brubeck Quartet from 1959 to 1967 abbreviated that group’s existence by many years. As Mr. Lomax notes, the personnel changes. If he is speaking of the “classic” quartet of Desmond, Wright, and Morello, the life was 1958-1967, but as it is defined including the personnel factor, the Brubeck-Desmond Quartet began in 1951. In truth, the Brubeck quartet lasted right through 2012, until the passing of the great man himself.

Marshall Zucker, Wantagh, NY


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