London-born pianist and composer John Crawford was introduced to Latin music by his Spanish mother. In 2010 he co-wrote the book Exploring Latin Piano with fellow pianist Tim Richards and a follow-up book, Brazilian Piano Collection, in 2014. In the Latin world he’s worked with the likes of Giovanni Hidalgo, Airto Moreira, Nancy Abalos and Ed Motta amongst many others. As a jazz pianist he’s performed with a myriad of artists, not least Norma Winstone, John Etheridge, Jason Yarde, Billy Bang, Trudy Kerr, Tina May and Annie Whitehead. And he’s featured on over 30 albums.
Crawford’s new album comprises a variety of original compositions, mostly in Latin style and often in unusual time signatures. Four of them are penned by him. Maîte’s Dance, played in 11/8, was written for one of his daughters. It has eloquent piano and guitar soloing with sprightly percussion. Elena’s Dance, composed for his other daughter, is rhythmically complex with recurring piano passages and predominantly Latin rhythms. The more melodic Club del Campesino, also written by Crawford, brings Shirley Smart to the fore on cello with Andres Ticino featuring on percussion.
It’s followed by a Latin style arrangement of Things written by Lewis Cole. It has Eleonora Claps, Crawford’s wife, singing and polished double bass soloing from Alec Dankworth.
Blossom, in 5/4, has a lyrical cello lead, tasteful guitar soloing and spirited piano, bass and drums. The somewhat melancholy Billy Joel song And So It Goes is next with Claps singing sweetly with just Crawford on piano. Polegnala E Todora, by Bulgarian composer Philip Koutev, has a recurrent motif on guitar picked up by the piano, complex time signatures, melodic bass solo and Pearson featuring on drums. Track, recorded separately from all the others, has Linley Weir (expressive on vocals), intricate piano, Andy Hamill on bass and Jansen Santana on percussion.
It’s followed by a reworked version of Elena’s Dance and then the closing number, Bow And Codine (more usually spelt as codeine). This was written by Crawford in honour of Shirley Smart because “her music can wash away any pain”. Her bowed cello features strongly and she duets melodiously with Dankworth’s double bass to open and close the piece.
Room For Dancing is an interesting, diverse and varied album which holds the attention from beginning to end. It’s dedicated by Crawford to the memory of his drummer Simon Pearson who sadly passed away prior to its release.
Maîte’s Dance; Elena’s Dance; Club Del Campesino; Things; Blossom; And So It Goes; Polegnala E Todora; Track; Elena’s Dance (Remix); Bow And Codine (47.37)
Crawford (p, v); Shirley Smart (clo); Guillermo Hill (g); Alec Dankworth (b); Simon Pearson (d); Andres Ticino (pc); Eleonora Claps (v). Except track 8: Andy Hamill (b); Jansen Santana (pc); Linley Weir (v). London, August 2022 except track 8 recorded July 2017.
Elsden Music EM06