
JJ 10/84: The Guest Stars

Forty years ago, Simon Adams, noting the rarity of women in jazz except as pianists and singers, found the all-female Guest Stars more convincing than many a long-established band. First published in Jazz Journal October 1984

Women have barely impinged on jazz except as vocalists and pian­ists; the guest stars are living proof of the stupidity of this situa­tion. Over the last couple of years, this all-women group has built up a large live following, and has now produced a fine de­but album.

Mixing accessible, vigorous jazz-funk and fusion with soul, Latin and hi-life, this is an album that would put many a long-established band to shame. The slight tendency to soft-centredness is cut short by the fine solo work, particularly the fluid guitar lines of Deirdre Cart­wright and the hard/soft saxophone of Ruthie Smith. Warm, lyrical swinging lines and im­mediate melodies are this group’s hallmarks, coupled with supple rhythms and excellent fretless bass work.

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Of all the varied tracks, the rhythmically complex Wake It Up excels, the dominant piano/bass vocal inter­play exploding under the impact of a magisterial sax solo.

Should you have any difficulty in obtaining this much recom­mended album, it is distributed in the UK by IMS.

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Northern Lights; Weep Over It; Valentine’s Day;Tin Can Alley (23.47) – I Know I Know; Wake It Up; La Tierra Y El Sol (22.05)
Deirdre Cartwright (g); Josefina Cupido (d/ v); Laka Daisical (p/v), Linda da Mango (pc/ v); Alison Rayner (elb); Ruthie Smith (sax/v). Recorded Woodcray Manor Studio, Berk­shire, May 1984.

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