Yelena Eckemoff: Romance Of The Moon

Russian pianist leads a quintet featuring trumpeter Paolo Fresu through a set of splashy, meditative chamber jazz


Each release by the Russian-born, American-domiciled Eckemoff is not a matter of music alone (marvellous as that music mostly is) but rather an invitation into a multi-dimensional world of painting and poetry, mythos and magic, all fashioned by Eckemoff in one way or another.

Here Eckemoff supplies translations of poems by Lorca, the inspirational key to this album, with her painting once again adorning the richly conceived packaging. She will often release a double CD but even this single offering comes in at just a tad under 80 minutes. Generous, or what?

As usual, Eckemoff has changed the personnel which appeared on her previous release Lonely Man And His Fish. Trumpeter Paolo Fresu is perfect for Eckemoff’s poetics. Sample his sound and phrasing on Thirsty For New Songs, one of the most reflective yet also, eventually, “up” pieces here. His distilled yet airy and spacious musings and meditations flow across the beautifully unfolding textures and rhythms supplied by Eckemoff and the excellent Bulgarelli (b) and Bagnoli (d).


While there is no ostentatious attempt to foreground any feeling of that quality of the duende (or deep song) that so concerned Lorca, there is plenty of deep feeling and playing here. Sample also the sustained cutting resonance of electric guitarist Bertuzzi ‘s mellow work on, e.g., the title track and Old Lizard.

At several points on the album, Eckemoff features keyboards rather than unadorned piano. It works, but I’m relieved she nowhere overdoes this aspect within what is, as usual with this artist, a reverie-rich sound palette, delivered with captivating, category-eliding sensitivity and authority all round.

Bells; Barren Orange Tree; Guitar; Ballad Of The Sea Water; About Cats; Romance Of The Moon; Window Nocturnes; Diamond; Adventurous Snail; Thirsty For New Songs; Memento; Old Lizard; August (79.18)
Eckemoff (p, kyb); Paolo Fresu (t, flh); Riccardo Bertuzzi (elg); Luca Bulgarelli (b); Stefano Bagnoli (d). Mantua, 19 June 2023.
L & H CD806151-37
