Christopher Zuar Orchestra: Exuberance

Sara Caswell's expressive violin solos particularly enliven a set of largely mid-tempo, loose straight-eight big band compositions


Christopher Zuar supplies all the music for this large orchestra but he’s not part of the ensemble. Direction comes from conductor Mike Holober who does a great job with this sometimes complex series of compositions. Themes are often intricate affairs being stretched out around the sections, occasionally concluded by false endings and often the flow from an individual piece has the suggestion of a mini suite.

This is a thoroughly contemporary big band, producing little in the way of traditional swing but offering rhythmic variety, delivered by a collective presenting a huge sound when given its head, not to mention a high degree of excitement. This is never more evident than when Sara Caswell’s violin soars over the top of the throng.

The thunderstorm that tops and tails Before Dawn can be forgiven as Zuar’s excellent writing underpins McCann’s guitar and Pillow’s saxophone solos. The mandolin intrusion on Simple Machines somehow seemingly totally appropriate in the context of this album which is rounded off by a title track truly worthy of the name, despite vocalist Emma Frank’s tones having more relevance in folk circles.


Those with ears for large modern but tonal aggregations should point their appendages in this direction.

(1) In Winter Blooms; Moments In Between; (2) Communion; (3) Simple Machines; (1) Before Dawn; Certainty; (4) Exuberance (58.51)
(1) Dave Pietro (as, ss, picc, f, af), Charles Pillow (as, ss, ts, f, af, o, cl); Jason Rigby (ts, f, cl); Ben Kono (ts, as, f, af, cl); Carl Maraghi (bar, bcl); Tony Kadleck, Jon Owens, Scott Wendholt, Matt Holman (t, flh); Matt McDonald, Mark Patterson, Alan Ferber (tb); Max Siegel (btb); Pete McCann (g, bj, md, dobro); Glenn Zaleski (p, elp); Drew Gress (b); Mark Ferber (d); Rogerio Boccato (pc); Mike Holober (cond). New York, 31 August 2018 & 29-30 August 2021. (2) as (1) but add Sara Cresswell (vn). (3) as (2) but add Max ZT (dulcimer); Joe Brent (md); Keita Ogawa (pc). (4) as (1) but add Emma Frank (v).
Tonal Conversations TNCN001
